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Assuming you have installed Helm as instructed on the previous page or from the official Helm website, here are the various commands you can execute:


  1. The following command will display build information such as the Helm version, Git commit hash, Git tree state, and Go version:

    helm version

  2. The following command will display Helm version with Git commit hash used during the build of this version:

    helm version --short

  3. The following commands allow you to customize the display of build information:

    1. Displays only the Helm version:

      helm version --template={{.Version}}
    2. Displays only the Go version:

      helm version --template={{.GoVersion}}

    3. Displays only the Git commit hash:

      helm version --template={{.GitCommit}}
    4. Displays only the Git tree state:

      helm version --template={{.GitTreeState}}
    5. You can also display multiple pieces of build information using different formats, such as CSV or Key:Value etc., or combine other Linux commands to achieve the desired output:

      helm version --template={{.Version}},{{.GoVersion}},{{.GitCommit}}
      helm version --template="$(hostname) {{.Version}}:{{.GoVersion}}:{{.GitCommit}}"

It is used to search for keywords present in Helm charts or plugins metadata and currently allows searching in two places:

  1. Registry: This will search public registries or private registries and list the results if matches are found.

  2. Repositories: This will search through repositories configured on your current system and list the results if matches are found.