Think of a Variable as a Box
A variable is like a box where you can put something inside, but you can change what’s inside the box whenever you want! Unlike a constant, which is fixed, a variable can hold different things at different times.
How a Box is Used
Imagine you have a box that you can fill with toys. One day, you put a ball inside the box, but the next day, you decide to put a robot inside it instead.
Similarly, in programming, a variable holds a value that you can change later. You can keep putting different things into the same box (or variable), and it will always be able to hold a new value.
How to Declare a Variable in Swift
In Swift, we use the keyword var
to define a variable. Here's an example:
Let’s say you want to store your age in a variable. Your age might change as you get older, right?
So, we use a variable to store it.
var age = 6
means this is a variable—something that can change.age
is the name of the variable.6
is the value that the variable holds, but you can change it as you get older!
For example, if your age changes from 6 to 7 next year, you can update it:
age = 7
Now, the variable age holds the value 7 instead of 6.
Examples of Variables
Social and Practical Variables
Your Pocket Money (because it can change as you spend or receive money)
var pocketMoney = 5.00 // 5 dollars pocketMoney = 10.00 // After receiving more money pocketMoney = 8.00 // After spending something worth 2.00
Software Engineering Variables
User's Score in a game (it changes as the player earns more points)
var userScore = 0 userScore = 100 // After earning points
Current Temperature (it changes depending on the weather)
var temperature = 70 temperature = 85 // It's warmer now
Mathematical Variables
Your Total Savings (it changes as you add or subtract money)
var savings = 50.00 savings = 75.00 // After adding more money
Distance Traveled (it changes as you move)
var distanceTraveled = 0 distanceTraveled = 10 // After walking 10 meters distanceTraveled = 20 // After walking more
Key Points to Remember
- A variable holds something that can change.
- You use
in Swift to create a variable. - A variable is like a box you can fill with different things whenever you want!